BxB Group is a family of companies with the experience, skills, and desire to exceed your expectations. We have divisions in construction and supply contracts management, oilfield support services, and marketing.
BxB Contracts Management Division has decades of experience in construction & supply contracts management, largely to government agencies such as the US Air Force, US Navy, Federal Aviation Administration, Corp of Engineers, TxDot, and others. From bolts to buildings and screws to structures, BxB Group can fill your need. Founded in the summer of 2012, BXB Group, Inc. is the combining of the talents of Kathryn and Richard Blake, both of whom have been in business environments their entire professional lives. BXB Group was launched to execute specialty construction contracts and sell specialty products of all kinds to governmental agencies of all types. The mission of the company is to furnish the government with the services and supplies they need, while maintaining the highest level of ethics and integrity. BXB GROUP, INC. IS A BUYER/SELLER/WHOLESALER CATERING TO
Website by Matt Freakin Blake